I recommend taking the time now to look at the right product mix and build some static analysis into your project. 我建议马上花时间考虑正确的产品组合并在项目中内置一些静态分析。
And, although its product mix looks thinner than others ', its products also have less function overlap while delivering the same high level of commonality supported by the Java EE framework. 而且,尽管它的产品混合看起来没有其他的多,但是其产品拥有更少的功能重叠,同时交付JavaEE框架所支持的最高层次的普通性。
The IBM BI product mix is presented and key features are discussed along with arguments for sizing the solution to the fundamental analytical requirements. 展示了IBMBI产品的搭配,讨论了关键特性,并说明了调整解决方案以满足基本分析需求的论据。
Product mix has improved, but there is more to it than that, namely operational improvement. 产品结构得到了改善,但不止于此,运营方面也有进步。
For the primary industry, the product mix will be readjusted in accordance with market demand, the development of animal by-products and aquatic products will be quickened, and the processing technology and efficiency of farm produce will be enhanced. 第一产业,按照市场需求,大力调整农产品的品种结构,加快发展畜牧水产品,提高农产品加工水平和效益。
The quarter-over-quarter decline was attributable to lower product sales as well as product mix. 利润的逐个季度下滑,主要原因包括产品的销售下滑及产品组合不理想。
With increased M& A, we are likely to see a single drug manufacturing industry with strong economies of scale, diversification in product mix and, in general, a new compelling growth story. 随着并购,我们可能会看到一个单一制药企业的规模具有多样化的产品组合一般来说,是一个新的令人信服的成长过程。
As a result, product mix is shifting and lower-priced, small cars could outperform in the medium term. 因此产品组合在发生变化,中期而言低价的小型轿车或将“跑赢”其它车种。
The product mix versus the12 times of water evenly, you use spray or paint brushes directly to uniform spray, apply a dry surface treatment, there must be clear water layer phenomena. 倍水搅拌均匀后,用喷雾器或漆刷直接均匀的喷、涂于干燥的处理物表面,要有明显水层现象。
Ensure sales increase and optimize product mix in responsible territory; 确保销售的持续增长及销售产品结构优化;
These programs, when put into operation, are expected to effectively advance the adjustment of the product mix of key sectors and the improvement of the competitiveness of enterprises. 这些项目投产后,可以有力地推动主要行业产品结构的调整和企业竞争力的提高。
We support them in making extensive use of new technologies, techniques, equipment and materials to restructure their product mix, develop marketable products and improve their competitiveness. 支持企业广泛应用新技术、新工艺、新设备、新材料,调整产品结构,开发适销对路的产品,提高生产经营水平。
In the product mix lenses accounted for the lion's share of optical turnover as premium products grew in number and popularity. 在产品混合透镜占了大部分的光学转交使优质产品数量上增长和大众化。
Product mix mainly in metal, glass, acrylic, wooden structures and other materials. 产品结构主要以五金、玻璃、亚克力、木制结构等材质。
Improve the industrial pattern and product mix 改进产业结构和产品结构
Provide cost information to Commercial team to facilitate decision-making of pricing, inventory control, product mix and etc; 向商务部门提供成本信息,协助定价、存货控制和产品组合等的决策;
It is necessary to correctly guide and expand domestic consumption, intensify the readjustment of product mix in line with market demand, and strive to develop different grades of consumer goods. 正确引导和扩大国内消费,要按照市场需求,加大产品结构调整力度,努力开发不同档次的消费品。
The company issued a statement late on Tuesday saying losses in the first half of this year would widen because of price erosion and a change in its product mix. 富士康国际周二晚间发布声明称,由于价格下降和产品结构变化,今年上半年亏损将扩大。
Diversified product mix, the length of the restriction, to meet the needs of different models. 产品结构形式多样,长度不受限制,可满足不同车型的需要。
But proper inventory management, competitive product mix and relatively low prices helped AMD to rebound to the level of Q32006, which is a positive news for the chipmaker. 不过,良好的库存管理,具有竞争力的产品组合和相对低价使得他们的份额反弹到了2006第三季度的时候。
In recent years China's industrial structure, product mix Although several adjustments, but for various reasons, lack of effectiveness has been obvious. 近年来我国的工业结构、产品结构虽然几经调整,但由于多种原因,成效一直不够明显。
First, China has completed a great number of pollution-control projects through the readjustment of the industrial structure and product mix, and promoted clean production through technical transformation. 一是通过调整产业结构、产品结构和结合技术改造,推行清洁生产,完成了一大批污染治理项目。
This product can only be used alone, can not color or with any other water-based, solvent-based product mix, not with perishable products, iron products, or basic access. 本产品只能单独使用,不能调色或者与其它任何水性、溶剂型产品混合使用,不能与易腐蚀的铁制品或者碱性产品等接触。
Supermarkets consult detailed weather forecasts and adjust the local product mix accordingly. 超市会查询详细的天气预报,并相应调整当地的产品搭配。
The product mix aims to be similar to us stores with around 40 brands per shop. 每个店的产品组合都尽量和美国商店类似,约有40个品牌。
The overall goal is to promote the formation of mechanical and electrical integration industry for China's industrial structure and product mix adjustment and make contributions. 总的目的是促进机电一体产业的形成、为我国产业结构和产品结构调整作贡献。
Carefully selected materials reduce the product mix, thus avoiding the use of non-recyclable substances. 慎重选取制造车辆部件的原料,从而避免了对不可回收物料的使用。
With the product mix optimized, new technology and products should be introduced. 军民两用产品和技术推广新技术和新产品,优化产品结构。
PDM System's Product Mix Manage and Edition Control PDM系统的产品结构管理与版本控制
Adjustment and optimization of product mix and technological process at Anshan Iron& Steel Group Corporation 鞍钢产品和工艺的结构调整与优化